Another Bad News:4 Indian Teachers Kidnapped in Libya

It’s been a black week for all he Indians. After hearing the news of demise of our legendary missile man ‘APJ Abdul kalam’, there is another shocking news. Four Indian teachers have been kidnapped in Libya, India’s remote service has said.

Another Bad News:4 Indian Teachers Kidnapped

The four were kidnapped at a checkpoint close to the city of Sirte, where they were teaching at a college. The Islamic State (IS) gathering has in number vicinity in Sirte, main residence of former leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Another Bad News:4 Indian Teachers Kidnapped
Another Bad News:4 Indian Teachers Kidnapped

Libya has tumbled into disorder since Gaddafi’s passing in Sirte in October 2011, with different volunteer armies battling for force. The teachers, who hail from the southern Indian conditions of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, were working with the University of Sirte. They were kidnapped on their way back to India on Wednesday.

“They were coming back to India through Tripoli and Tunis, when they were kept at a checkpoint far away 50km (31 miles) from Sirte,” an Indian outside service representative said. It is still not clear who kidnapped the teachers, but rather the representative said the Indians “have been taken back to the city of Sirte”.

“We are in normal touch with the families concerned and all activities are being made to guarantee the prosperity and early arrival of the four Indian nationals,” India’s remote service said in an announcement. A large portion of Sirte, former leader Muammar Gaddafi’s main residence, tumbled to IS in May.

Last July, a gathering of 65 Indian medical attendants were caught in battling which drowned parts of Libya. The medical attendants, who had been working in different clinics in the nation, securely came back to India in August. In June 2014, 40 Indians – all development specialists – were captured in the savagery hit Iraqi city of Mosul. Their vocation is still not known. Let’s all pray and hope for them to come back.