New Jersey Has More Scientists Than Any Other State in the USA

There are a lot of reasons to live in New Jersey, but one of the most compelling is that we have a diverse population. If you’re interested in life sciences, or the science of diversity, consider a career in science in the Garden State. The number of scientists in New Jersey is increasing, and there are several reasons for this, including our high cost of living and the availability of excellent educational opportunities. Whether you’re an engineer, a computer scientist, or a scientist, there is a science field for you.


New Jersey has more scientists than any other state in the nation, and that’s not just because the state is home to some of the nation’s most brilliant minds. The state is home to 400 biotechnology companies, 14 of which are biopharmaceutical giants. The state’s strong biotechnology infrastructure and supportive government policies are key factors in its thriving life sciences industry. Here are three reasons why NJ is a good place for biotechnology companies to locate and grow.

Life sciences

In the United States, New Jersey is home to more biochemists per square mile than any other state. This high concentration is the result of the state’s long history in the life sciences field. Many homegrown companies have made strides against diseases such as COVID-19 and AIDS. Fortunately, there are many benefits to the life sciences industry in New Jersey. Among them:


The state should work towards increasing the percentage of women and minorities in STEM fields. The STEM workforce in New Jersey is underrepresented among women, with just 12 percent of STEM degrees awarded to minorities. Additionally, the state has a large proportion of minority children. For example, only 14 percent of African American students score proficiently in science and mathematics. Hispanic students score slightly higher. Minority children are not getting the same opportunities as their white male counterparts.


In New Jersey, careers of scientists are growing, and the state ranks among the highest-paying states for the field of biomedical research. The state’s population has grown steadily for over three decades, with over sixty scientists employed in the state as of 2017. The number of scientists in New Jersey remained stable between 2017 and 2018, with the average starting salary for soil and plant scientists in New Jersey sitting at $187,199 annually.


A recent study found that minorities and women are underrepresented in STEM fields. New Jersey is a majority-minority state, and there are just under six thousand black and Hispanic women among all engineering and computer science graduates. The percentage of women in the STEM workforce was just one percent higher than for white men. The state’s need to increase the number of women in STEM fields is both a moral and economic imperative. The statistics show that New Jersey has many female engineers, but not enough minority students to make up the full spectrum of science and technology careers.